Friday, July 22, 2016

Caffeine Does Not Kill…CQ, Watch, Duty NCO, Staff Duty Proves That.

In the military, we all have had the honor or joy or horror to stand 24-hour duty.  This normally starts at the end of the work day. Yes, you also had the honor of working that day also.  This can test the human body and the crutches we use to excel on this duty, which for most of us are some form of caffeine.
Most duty starts at 4PM or 1600 hours. You show up from your work in your end of day smells and start the takeover duty process. You stay busy until about 1730 at the latest. You notice that most everyone is gone. They are at chow, or getting ready for a night on the town if it is a weekend. The busy unit area turns into a ghost town. You see the PX endorse vending machine with soda. You know you do not want to start too early. So you pass by the soda lifeblood caffeine machine.
By 1830, the news is over on TV, stupid stuff is on TV, and you walk around the organization to make sure nothing has occurred. Since no one has been here, and everyone is either home having fun, or the ones in the barracks are chasing hormones out in town, nothing has changed in the offices, all secure.  You walk by the soda machine, but you have brought three bottles of Mountain Dew with you.  It is warm. It has caffeine. It is good and keeps your mind moving.
At 2200 hours or 10PM, time to walk around, normal to be asleep at this time in order to wake up for Physical Training (PT) at 0600 hours in the morning. Your body thinks it is time to go to sleep and that last soda was over three hours ago. This soda is warmer than the last, but it has caffeine.
At 2300 hours the late news is on, but you do not want to use up your last warm soda.  The news should keep you awake for the next half hour.
Midnight. It is quiet and no one is around. You start wishing a drunk would show up to keep you awake. Some drunks are long winded…or some will cause an adrenaline flow for a scuffle. No luck, no drunks, but you down the last warm soda.
At 0130, you make rounds and find that the Russians nor the Chinese have attacked, no spies have broken in to get the Physical Fitness Training Plan. You buy a soda. You came prepared with a roll of quarters. That is always in a duty bag. Must get that live blood caffeine.
At 0300, no Russians, no Chinese and no Liberians have attacked. Time for another Mountain Dew from the machine. At least it is cold and it is well worth the price.
At 0400, quick walk, but the mission is the soda machine. Now you find out the Mountain Dew is out, but you have Coke. It is survivable.  It is cold and has caffeine.
At 0500 a quick walk to the soda machine for whatever cold drink with caffeine is in the machine. You throw away the empty can in a trash can on the walk back to the duty hut. It is now 0505. Time goes slow.
At 0600 you do your rounds, check all buildings and see a few people coming in to do PT. You get a soda.
At 0700 you grab another soda so you will be coherent to talk to the person who will relieve you do duty at 0730.
At 0745 you go brush your teeth, clean up quickly and be at work at 0800.  It is a new day, and troops are coming in from being well rested and ready to ask you lots of questions and learn. You get a soda during your walk to attend the annual Reenlistment Counseling Class.  People look at you strange because you have a cold Mountain Dew in both hands.
The old salts or crusty soldiers will understand. It is not a fashion statement to have two hands full of sodas, it is a military norm for the day after duty.
BLUF:  Caffeine must be safe, there are plenty of us who have stood duty and survived. Some will say we survived due to caffeine.
By:  James R Lint
With a past of standing duty in the US Marine Corps, on Naval vessels, and in the Army, the author also has stock in Diet Mountain Dew.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Compendium of Published Works by JRL

These thoughts are mine alone and do not represent my current employer or any previous employers.  These thoughts do not contain information of an official nature.

Compendium of Published Works by James R. Lint

Co-Authored with Dr. Anna Lint, “8 Eyes on Korea, A Travel Perspective of Seoul, Korea.”  Multiple perspectives of Korea from both Americans and Koreans. FEB 2016 Release. All proceeds go to charity.  Great contributors!
“Leadership and Management Lessons Learned: A Book of Management Vignettes.” See  ALL proceeds will go to charity.


  • (2016). James R. Lint and Dr. Anna Lint. Article about book:  8 Eyes on Korea, A Travel Perspective of Seoul, Korea. Link
  • Intelligence Pros – Join an Association  July 2015
  • (2014). Why culture knowledge matters for national security.
  • (2013). Leadership and Management Lessons Learned, A Book of Management Vignettes
  • James R. Lint and Timothy W. Coleman. Sequester And Furloughs: It’s Discount Espionage Time (2013).
  • James R. Lint and Brian K. Ferguson. Safeguarding Md and APG in time of discount espionage (2013) – page 7
  • (2010). Commentary: OPSEC-60 Years and Counting, Remembering the Korean Conflict
  • (2010). Feedback Can Help Connect the Dots: IIR Evaluations for Love and Analysis
  • (2009). Memories of a day in June. A Story about Security and Intelligence Failure in June 1950 and thoughts of Security and Intelligence professionals today.
  • (2004). Book review of “In the Devil’s Shadow, UN Special Operations During the Korean War,” by Michael E. Haas – page 62
  • (2003). Intelligence in Support of Strategic Signal Units – page 40 
  • Link

To be added

I've got a complaint - Military

Dec 29, 2013 - The DoD Hotline, 1-800-424-9098 (unsecured line), is a great place to start. ... James R. Lint is as an Adjunct Professor at American Military  ...

Which military mission is right for you?

Mar 5, 2015 - Air Force One is the air traffic control designation for any plane on which ...James Lint recently retired as the civilian director for intelligence and  ...

Compendium of Published Works by JRL

These thoughts are mine alone and do not represent my current employer or any previous employers.  These thoughts do not contain information of an official nature.

Compendium of Published Works by James R. Lint

Co-Authored with Dr. Anna Lint, “8 Eyes on Korea, A Travel Perspective of Seoul, Korea.”  Multiple perspectives of Korea from both Americans and Koreans. FEB 2016 Release. All proceeds go to charity.  Great contributors!
“Leadership and Management Lessons Learned: A Book of Management Vignettes.” See  ALL proceeds will go to charity.


  • (2016)   See below.... more coming
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016) 
  • (2016)  Infragard: Helping the Nation's IT Security Professionals
  • (2016)  Reducing National Debt Should Be on Next President's Task List
  • (2016)  New Business Failure: The Importance of Retaining Focus When Launching A Business 

  • (2016). James R. Lint and Dr. Anna Lint. Article about book:  8 Eyes on Korea, A Travel Perspective of Seoul, Korea. Link
  • Intelligence Pros – Join an Association  July 2015
  • (2014). Why culture knowledge matters for national security.
  • (2013). Leadership and Management Lessons Learned, A Book of Management Vignettes
  • James R. Lint and Timothy W. Coleman. Sequester And Furloughs: It’s Discount Espionage Time (2013).
  • James R. Lint and Brian K. Ferguson. Safeguarding Md and APG in time of discount espionage (2013) – page 7
  • (2010). Commentary: OPSEC-60 Years and Counting, Remembering the Korean Conflict
  • (2010). Feedback Can Help Connect the Dots: IIR Evaluations for Love and Analysis
  • (2009). Memories of a day in June. A Story about Security and Intelligence Failure in June 1950 and thoughts of Security and Intelligence professionals today.
  • (2004). Book review of “In the Devil’s Shadow, UN Special Operations During the Korean War,” by Michael E. Haas – page 62
  • (2003). Intelligence in Support of Strategic Signal Units – page 40 
  • Link

To be added

I've got a complaint - Military

Dec 29, 2013 - The DoD Hotline, 1-800-424-9098 (unsecured line), is a great place to start. ... James R. Lint is as an Adjunct Professor at American Military  ...

Which military mission is right for you?

Mar 5, 2015 - Air Force One is the air traffic control designation for any plane on which ...James Lint recently retired as the civilian director for intelligence and  ...